Help Oxfordshire tackle the climate emergency
We need your support
Solar energy can play a key role in achieving net zero carbon emissions targets as well as boosting the UK’s much-needed energy security.
A planning application has been submitted for Quarry Solar Farm, a temporary solar installation and battery energy storage system (BESS) on land to the north east of Witney.
We need your help to make this happen.
What is being planned?
Renewable energy and enhanced green spaces
RWE Renewables is proposing a new renewable energy scheme which will:
Meet the annual energy needs of over 17,000 homes.
Offset the equivalent CO2 emissions of taking c.225,000 cars off the road over the lifetime of the project.
Enhance green infrastructure, add picnic benches and an outdoor classroom as well as create an educational trail.
Boost biodiversity by 104.34% through the planting of wildflower margins, trees and hedgerows.
Provide a community benefit fund of up to £462,000 to help fund sustainable initiatives locally.
Climate change
CO2 levels have increased by more than 40% since before the industrial revolution. The main contribution to this is burning fossil fuels for energy.
Climate change is happening at an alarming rate, with temperatures in recent years some of the hottest ever recorded. Extreme weather events are taking place across the world, and they are only going to get worse if we don't take action.
We’ll significantly improve the natural habitat with new planting to support both new and existing wildlife. Measures such as bat roost boxes and beehives have been included to create new habitats and encourage wildlife to flourish.
Battery storage
To fully utilise the network connection capacity, the project will include battery storage to store energy for times of peak demand and ensure that no energy is wasted.